Desert Centre – Triumph Registar of America


TRiumph TRumpeter

The Club’s Recent Past and Current Newsletters have been moved to their own pages.  You can find them by selecting the desired year from the drop down menus under the Newsletter menu above. 

You will also find below the table containing the links to the Newsletters an index of the issues.  This will be an ongoing project so not all articles in the newsletters will be indexing right away.

The following tables are the indexes that have been assembled thus far.  The individaul table can also be found on the specific annual Newsletter pages

[table "1" not found /]
[table "2" not found /]
[table "3" not found /]
[table "4" not found /]
[table "5" not found /]

You can also use the Search box at the top of the  righthand sidebar to use the embedded Google Search.  This search will lok over both the newsletters as well as the other content on the site.

2 Responses to Newsletters

  • Marlene Cole says:

    I always got the newsletters before. But I had to get a new hard drive. Maybe that’s why I can’t get the Sept. newsletter now. Something to do with compatability? Marlene Cole If I need to download something, it would not let me do that.

  • Marlene Cole says:

    My 3rd try on the anti-spam word!! I used to get the newsletters with no problem. Perhaps something is missing now as I had to get a new hard drive. I can’t get the Sept. newsletter. It won’t let me get or tell me what to do either. Marlene